Asking for Help

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When was the last time that you asked for help?

In fact, when was the last time you not only asked for help, but you accepted it?

Asking for help is something that I think is so underrated, and actually is something that I never used to be very good at.

I learned this lesson the hard way

On Good Friday 2016, I tore all of the ligaments off my right ankle. I ended up non-weight bearing, in a cast and unable to walk without crutches.

There were lots of things I couldn’t do for myself. Simple things like making a hot drink and being able to carry it into another room.

Lots of people offered me help and I had no choice but to embrace it.

One example was a friend of mine that owns a company that makes travel mugs. They have a mug for hot drinks that is completely sealed. You can tip it upside down and it won’t spill. It’s an awesome cup and really helped me while I was on crutches.

I was able to accept people giving me lifts and driving me around.

And I know this might sound like trivial stuff, but the reality is that many of the things we need help with sound trivial to the people who can help.

What areas of your life are there where you could let other people help you?

Because every single one of us, ever single human being, has a need to be of service to other human beings.

We are a tribal species, and we have this need for a sense of belonging, and part of that is about being able to help others. If you don’t allow people to help you, you’re actually depriving them of something that they need.

You know how good you feel when you help someone? Don’t deprive someone else of that opportunity.

If there’s something that you need help with right now, ask for that help