How Much is Your Time Worth?
We all have 168 hours per week. That isn’t going to change but you can change what you do with it. So, how much is YOUR time worth?
We all have 168 hours per week. That isn’t going to change but you can change what you do with it. So, how much is YOUR time worth?
You have to destroy your excuses. You have to be unapologetic, focused and determined.
So many people forget that if you want to be the noun, you have to do the verb.
I was in the office and decided to ask my team what Done Beats Perfect means to them.
Do you celebrate the small successes in your life? (or are you always focused on the next thing you need to do)
Some things go to plan and other things don’t. Sometimes you have to try two, three or even more different ways to find the one that works