I was in the office and decided to ask my team what Done Beats Perfect means to them.
The conversation was prompted by a recent meeting with a potential client, where I was asked if the Done Beats Perfect idea results in inferior quality content and “isn’t it damaging to just put any old crap out?”
Thing is, done beats perfect is NOT about being inferior…
“It means get it done, put it out there”
Ideas without implementation are worthless. You can have the best idea in the world but unless you take action and create something your idea will never be successful (or at least not for you!)
Done Beats Perfect is about overcoming procrastination and perfectionism and taking action instead.
Was the first iPhone perfect? No, but without it we wouldn’t have most of the smart phones that exist today.
“go out and do it first and perfect it after”
You have to get started.
That is it. Just Start.
You don’t become a great pianist by staring at the keys and reading books. You get great by playing. Practice. Practice. Practice.
Success comes from the doing, not the thinking about doing.
So, what are you going to get done today?