Acceptance is the Answer

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Sometimes the best thing to do is no-thing

Yes, I know, I’m the ‘done beats perfect‘ guy, so how can I also be saying do nothing?

Sometimes speed of execution is NOT about being the quickest.

Sometimes there are situations where the best thing you can do is just sit back and observe. Just sit and wait.

There are occasions in life when we assume things are a certain way, in particular we have conversations with other people or interactions with other people and we make assumptions about how that other person is feeling, but what if we’re wrong?

Sometimes I think the best thing you can do if you’re not sure how to handle a situation is simply to let the situation
evolve and just accept that you’re not in control.

Don’t get me wrong, if you this is something you can do to make a positive impact, then do that next right thing. Have courage and get it done.

But, if there is nothing you can do about a situation then you just need to accept it. Show up as best you can in terms of doing your
part and then you have a little bit of faith that everything will work itself .out

There’s a saying I’ve heard numerous times, that I love:

Everything will work itself out in the end and if it hasn’t worked out, then it’s not the end

Put another way, by a good friend and mentor of mine, “there’s never been a day I didn’t get through.”

There’s been easier days, there’s been tougher days, but there’s never been a day I didn’t get through. So, if you have those moments of doubt, if you have those situations that you want to control but you can’t, then just accept them, just accept them for what they are, play your part to the best of your ability and everything will work out in the end.


It's only seems impossible until it's done…

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